
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Love and How to Be A Super Mom!

What is a mother?  Limitless Love

I can honestly say, that becoming a mother was the best thing that ever happened to me.  Growing up, I anticipated a pilot license and traveling the world.  I loved diverse people and learning about different cultures! Then hormones kicked in and I felt the calling to bear children.  I'm not sure if it was hormones alone, or the void of family that I was trying to fill.  I got married at 18 and then for 2 years after marriage I prayed for a child.  Daily taking my prenatal vitamins and temperature with the basal thermometer and documenting on the calender my most fertile days, only to get the report - 'His sperm count was too low to be fertile'.  I was devastated.  Everywhere I turned, someone was having or had a baby.  I caught myself judging others for what I thought was 'bad parenting'.  I knew this was wrong, and had to give it to God frequently to take this anger out of my heart.  I had to fast and pray my way through that trench!

Then we chose to adopt through foster care.  I was excited thinking I could have the opportunity to nourish a much needed, possibly broken heart depending on age and circumstance.  As a child that went through the system, I know the silence pain.  Though I was excited, I couldn't get over thinking it wasn't fair.  I had my life all planned out.  I registered to go to the Navy to become a pilot, then get married, have 2 kids - 1 boy, 1 girl.  And my life would be complete.  What was the problem with my plan?  It wasn't my plan.

After completing all the training, house inspection, etc...the month we were finally put on the list to receive our first placement - another CURVE BALL!  At the time, I was a nurse at a retirement home.  Doing wound care never phased me I had no clue why the sight and smell of a bedsore made me hurl across the room, up the hallway - and sitting on the bathroom floor leaning against the cold tile wall.  Worst stomach bug ever?  Nope!  As you can guess by now, my prayer's were answered.  Even my doctor and nurse cried with me after taking my pregnancy test with with.  They were with me the whole way for those two long years.  I cried tears of joy for 2 weeks straight!  Ahhh, that joy - the glow - the movement of pure happiness that was in my heart.  I don't even know if it's possible to describe the way I felt.  Thus began my new career, my calling...Motherhood.    

These are the 3 most precious books that I would rotate in our nightly readings with other books.

Love You Forever

Guess How Much I Love You

Grandfather Twilight

How To Be A Super Mom?
1.  STOP TRYING!  There is no such thing as a Super Mom.  Of course, my son bought me a pair that said I was.  The self expectations of motherhood can be set so high, it's unattainable.  Even knowing this, I still struggle with being a perfectionist mother.  I found this article on WebMD, {finally found something that don't = cancer!} Relax, Your Being A Good Mom
2.  Breathe
3.  Find ways to take Mental Health Breaks {even several times through the day if need be!}
4.  Listen & play with your children.  That old saying of - they grow like weeds, is true!  I'm soon to be the mother of a teenager!!!
Here is a great short clip you fellow mothers' must watch!  Even the Little Things Matter

Ways to Thank Your Mother
1.  Call her.  FREQUENTLY.  Listen to her and what she has to say.  Thank her for all she's done for you.
2.  Find ways to stay connected.  Lunch, dinner, movies, museums, hikes, bingo.  Whatever she is into, show some interest.
3.  Write to her.  Poems, cards, letters, post cards, anything!  Mom's don't care if it's made of construction paper or Hallmark - as long as it came from you, that's all that matters!
4.  If you have a techy mom ~ create a YouTube video, she will love it!

There are so many ways to tell your mother you cherish her Limitless Love.

Not everyone can or has a mother they can spend time with, but we always have Mother Nature.  This year, I'm requesting for my Mother's Day outings to be filled with Earth Day actives with my loved ones.  Plant a tree, grab some gloves and pick up trash along a roadside as a family and find a single mother to anomalously bless.  Every mother deserves to be told her Limitless Love is appreciated.      

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