
Monday, June 30, 2014

20 Different Ways to Say - Happy Birthday America!

Land of the Brave, Hungry & Crafty!  

  Here is a picture of the Patriotic Table Cloth I made for picnicking with my boys (we love using it year round!).  This one I actually hand stitched tightly together while my sewing machine was down, and it's held up all year long.  It's light weight and easy to fold up to store in my picnic basket while filling her up!  :D

For the centerpiece, I used an old blue bottle that I use for a vase, and found these really cute wispy red, white & blue decoration.  The handkerchiefs I've sewn together in a pattern.  The total project cost me $9.00 for material (plus my time).  Considering its our favorite tablecloth, it was well worth it.  

Let me know what you think of the Patriotic Table Cloth I made, I will also be selling them on my Etsy Shop Coffman's Creations as well ...below are some other amazing Red, White & Blue themed crafts & recopies for you.

CLICK HERE to head over to get your recipe!  

You can make this adorable little American Flag Bean Pin for a gift for everyone on your list.  Especially fun for parade time! - get your tutorial by clicking to heading over!

Try some red white and blue popcorn balls!  CLICK HERE to head over to Thrifty Jinxy for your tutorial.

 Look at these amazing homemade banners!  Get the how to by CLICKING HERE to find Hope in Every Season.  -She is such an inspiration to me!  While you're there, check out another great idea:
CLICK HERE to get recipe

CLICK HERE for another amazing red/white/blue snack recipe.  
This one is given to us by Loving Life and Living on Less.
Breakfast Parfait
Easy Red, White, and Blue Treats
by Cha Ching on a Shoe String 
Red, White & Blue Muffin Recipe by
Farm Fresh Feasts 
ERE to head ove
r to Jinxykids to down
load your free printable!

CLICK HERE to get the fourth of July Tutorial with pinwheels tutorial by Ang Sails The 7 C's

CLICK HERE for the tutorial on how to make these cute little treat boxes

CLICK HERE for instruction to make these frozen star Popsicle 

CLICK HERE to get directions to make this simple and cute flag print t-shirt!

CLICK HERE to make this fabulous Punch for your big party!

CLICK HERE for this scrumptious mason jar parfait! 

CLICK HERE  for instructions to make this cute decoration out of toothpaste boxes - I can't wait for my boys to make theirs!

CLICK HERE to learn how to make these fruit rockets!  What a healthy way to celebrate!

CLICK HERE to make these yummy 4th of July Waffles!

  I do hope you enjoyed all these found Treats by Tanya, this post contains my Esty site link to my store Coffman's Creations, but all the other sites I was not paid to support - we are just an amazing network of bloggers!  

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Feeling Less Than Healthy?

This is probably for you then!  NO ONE gets enough Magnesium.

  Since my middle son was born, he was diagnosed with failure to thrive and then Encopresis do to chronic constipation from birth.  We have been on a 11 year journey working closely with specialists to moderate his diet, and bowels.  After reaching a point where modern medicine wasn't helping him, I finally began taking to an holistic approach. An all natural approach, if you will.

  Late one night a many months ago, I was craving chocolate like I have never before and answers.  I have severe anxiety issues {PTSD - no bueno!}, and a lifetime of Insomnia.  One Google search lead to another, and I started reading up on magnesium deficiency....and this is what I've found in a short conclusion.

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency include:

  • Agitation and Anxiety
  • Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
  • Sleep Disorders including Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Abnormal Heart Rhythms
  • Low Blood Pressure
  • Confusion
  • Muscles Spasms and Weakness
  • Hyperventilation
  • Poor Nail Growth
  • Seizures  
  I knew from being in the medical field prior, that you experience 'cravings' when you were deficit in the vitamins/minerals that your body is lacking.  The human body is an incredible living machine.  It knows what your needs you know what to crave - even if you don't know why!  Also, I knew anything you consumed in a liquid form - will get absorbed into your blood stream quicker.  {I try to avoid anything in pill form whenever possible for this reason}.

 *Please let me remind you that is is NOT a paid for promotion from Natural Calm, by any form of payment.  But, I would not turn down a lifetime supply if offered, shameless PR manufacture*hint, hint*!  I bought my first bottle in Raspberry-Lemon Flavor thinking it would appeal to my children more.  It is actually good!  To them, it's like drinking flavored water.  Since I've started my family with drinking this, I've realized they couldn't have picked a better name for this product.  Natural Calm.  I feel more focused, healthy bowel movements, and and overall - an increased Wellness feeling.  I have not had a 'craving' for anything for months. slept better - and stopped taking medicine for panic attacks.
  So, I preformed my own little science experiment and stopped for 3 weeks.  All my symptoms, as well as my sons'...came back.  I won't be making that mistake again any time soon!  I'm a hot tea drinker, so I add mine to that in the morning and evening.  I swear by Natural Calm!   

  Here is the link for the Natural Vitality with VIDEO by Ashley Koff {Celebrity Dietitian} on Travel using Natural Calm as a great idea!  I'm sure while you're visiting the Natural Vitality site - you will find other great products, I just can't give my opinion about those since we haven't personally tried/use the other supplements yet.  And here is what Dr. Oz has to say about Magnesium Deficiency including a list of which foods are rich in Magnesium.

  I truly hope you enjoyed this healthy post...Natural Calm has helped me be more frugal in so many ways.  We've had less trips to the doctor and gas for appointments for me and my sons', no more wasting money buying candy bars daily, saving money not buying extra medicine for my nerves, etc...I wish you all the best.

*I am not a doctor nor pretend to be one.  Please do your own research before trying a product and talk to your personal care provider.  What works for me, or my family - may not work for you.  This is my own personal experience.  Cheers to Your Health!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Keep Your Blog Organized

Have a blog?  Get a Plan to keep it rolling seamlessly for $19.95!  You can click the 'My Blog Plan' image below.

You will thank me later!  :)

*This post contains my affiliated links.  Thank you in advance for purchasing through my site and please let me know how much you love this planner!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Free Homeschool Links {and free printout!}

Even more Free Homeschool Links for you!
This List of Links include so many resources for you: Reading/Writing, Math, Typing, Geology, Earth Science, Art, History, Astronomy, Geography, Art, Spanish/ASL, Religion, Printables, etc...

  *I hope you enjoyed this Treat by Tanya and please do share.   Thank you so much!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pea Ridge National Military Park, AR

  One of homeschool adventures this week was to the Pea Ridge Museum.  What an amazing experience for my boys to learn about the Civil War!  It was a great opening for multiple history lessons...

  We started our tour by getting a live demonstration with a lady wearing a full confederate solider uniform.  It was interesting to learn that, though women were not permitted to many actually were able to sneak in.  Apparently, many pulled it off until one became pregnant and started to show. 

  The children learned all the steps of loading a musket, and saw it fired several times.  Which took quite awhile, was really loud.  I think just about everyone laughed to find out that the only stipulation to join service (other than being a man), was to have at least 4 teeth for ripping the paper to load the powder.

*This was not a paid for post, just sharing our real life with true stories.* 

Then the kids did a scavenger hunt, to find dates and clues throughout the museum.  That was neat, but short lived because the half hour reenactment movie was starting.  For a short film, it made a huge impact on the boys, and me. We were silent in sadness leaving the museum and decided to head to the tavern that became a make shift hospital for both sides.

  We stopped at each lookout point in silence to read the signs and take pictures.  When our homeschool group joined back together at the Elkhorn Tavern, the home that both sides utilized for a makeshift hospital.  the boys quickly perked up to play with the others and check out the apple trees. 

  My boys and I stayed to take more pictures and go for a hike after our group departed.  We had a long talk and short hike due to conversation and heat.  My 7 year old son asked some really big questions.  Like, "Why was it called a civil war when people were killing each other?" And,"Why didn't the people talk out their problems?  Why did over a thousand people die?  They were grown-ups mom, why didn't they act civil and talk it out?  I thought the government was supposed to protect the people not kill them!"  These were his openings...followed up by, "What does slavery even mean?"

  It was quite a history lesson day indeed for my boys.  But I then realized that I've done a great job raising my kids to be 'color blind'.    You see, I was adopted into a foster home before I hit my teens.  My children know that they have aunts and uncles of different races, but never knew there ever was segregation between them.  They know our family photos look like the United Nations, but have never known our primitive history issues.  While we talked, they had their jaws dropped.  Then my littlest asked me, "So what else are you keeping from us?" now we are doing a hole Civil War study this summer.

  And I feel guilty educating my children about the dark spots of our country's past.  How am I supposed to teach them about the Civil War (for starters), and sugar coat it?  It's almost like letting my kids watch a horror movie when they're still toddlers.  I don't want their minds to be poisoned by racism.

  I never had a human slave, bought or traded one, so why should I carry guilt because of what someone else did?  I've literately been in fist fights with boys to protect my Haitian sister when she got made fun of at the bus stop when we were kids.  I grew up in a very racist 'white' town being made fun of, not only for being a foster kid - then adopted, but because I was white and defended my family.  Even my adopted white mother made the racial slurs.  When she was mad - we all were called, "Dirty little stupid n*ggers."  (Also, stupid, hate and dumb were a huge part of her vocabulary.  Which is why I raise my children with those words classified under the 'bad word category' because I know how hurtful words are).  It's not that I'm a touchy politically correct person, but there is a line.  It's all in the tone, and implication of what is being said.  Also, there is power in forgiveness.  I've voiced my forgiveness to her and released my pain.

  We do plan on going back to Pea Ridge National Park in the fall after the foliage is down to see more of the battlefields.

  Below you will find my YouTube channel link with pictures of our Trip To Pea Ridge Military Park, in Arkansas.  {Please be kind, this is my very first YouTube video/slideshow I've ever put together.}  Also, take note to the bonnet I found in the gift shop.  It gave me a sweet smile to see it was shipped from Gettysburg, PA.  Since we moved to Arkansas from Pennsylvania, I'm constantly seeing the little reminders of PA.  Maybe because I'm looking for them?

Friday, June 20, 2014

Save BIG Money on Meat!

With this 1 Simple Tip...
  Ideally, if you can raise your own livestock our buy fresh from a farmer...that's the best way to go!
  For the rest of the world that has to shop retail, all you have to do is call your local grocery store and ask when the meats typically get marked down.  Some do it later in the evening, some stores first thing in the morning.  You can get deep discounts on seafood this way too.
  A friend of mine said she looks for the packages that are close to expiration date, and asks the butcher if they would consider adjusting the price...and they always do!
  I hope you enjoyed this Treat by Tanya, and please share how you save $$$ shopping for groceries!   

Taking Cindi's is a picture I took today while at Wal-Mart.  We got to two boxes and saved 40% off the regular price.  So Sunday morning my boys will have a sweet treat and we saved a couple bucks =)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Raspberry Picking!

  As a mother, I love giving fresh fruit and vegetables to my children.  I also love teaching them how to collect, clean, prepare and store (freeze & can) their own food, and all about clean eating.  You can save so much money by going to farms like this, picking your own produce and saving it for later.  And, your helping your local farmers at the same time.

  My family took a trip to the local farm in Lowell, Arkansas.  It was a beautiful day to spend with my family in the raspberry fields.  We all had so much fun!

  My boys learned how to tell if a raspberry is ripe for picking, and how to hold onto the leaves to pull them to move the branches around to avoid getting pricked.

We ended up picking a lot, so we have plenty to freeze, make smoothies, and bake with!

Click Here: For Raspberry Crisp Recipe  from the Pioneer Woman with a Free Recipe Printout! 

Here are some pictures from our raspberry picking trip...


Vaughn showing his berries

Malachi saying hello as a Trekkie 

Vaughn & I picking berries




Me & my boys...Kingston eating a

Malachi picking

Nice ripe berries

My husband David & I

Me & Vaughn (I had to grab a smooch)

Me & my crew with one of our collection baskets 
We went to:
McGarrah Farms
11921 Ervin McGarrah Rd.
Lowell, Arkansas 72745

*I was not paid for this post, I just enjoy sharing our adventures
 with you.  I hope you enjoyed this Treat by Tanya!