
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Feeling Less Than Healthy?

This is probably for you then!  NO ONE gets enough Magnesium.

  Since my middle son was born, he was diagnosed with failure to thrive and then Encopresis do to chronic constipation from birth.  We have been on a 11 year journey working closely with specialists to moderate his diet, and bowels.  After reaching a point where modern medicine wasn't helping him, I finally began taking to an holistic approach. An all natural approach, if you will.

  Late one night a many months ago, I was craving chocolate like I have never before and answers.  I have severe anxiety issues {PTSD - no bueno!}, and a lifetime of Insomnia.  One Google search lead to another, and I started reading up on magnesium deficiency....and this is what I've found in a short conclusion.

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency include:

  • Agitation and Anxiety
  • Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
  • Sleep Disorders including Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Abnormal Heart Rhythms
  • Low Blood Pressure
  • Confusion
  • Muscles Spasms and Weakness
  • Hyperventilation
  • Poor Nail Growth
  • Seizures  
  I knew from being in the medical field prior, that you experience 'cravings' when you were deficit in the vitamins/minerals that your body is lacking.  The human body is an incredible living machine.  It knows what your needs you know what to crave - even if you don't know why!  Also, I knew anything you consumed in a liquid form - will get absorbed into your blood stream quicker.  {I try to avoid anything in pill form whenever possible for this reason}.

 *Please let me remind you that is is NOT a paid for promotion from Natural Calm, by any form of payment.  But, I would not turn down a lifetime supply if offered, shameless PR manufacture*hint, hint*!  I bought my first bottle in Raspberry-Lemon Flavor thinking it would appeal to my children more.  It is actually good!  To them, it's like drinking flavored water.  Since I've started my family with drinking this, I've realized they couldn't have picked a better name for this product.  Natural Calm.  I feel more focused, healthy bowel movements, and and overall - an increased Wellness feeling.  I have not had a 'craving' for anything for months. slept better - and stopped taking medicine for panic attacks.
  So, I preformed my own little science experiment and stopped for 3 weeks.  All my symptoms, as well as my sons'...came back.  I won't be making that mistake again any time soon!  I'm a hot tea drinker, so I add mine to that in the morning and evening.  I swear by Natural Calm!   

  Here is the link for the Natural Vitality with VIDEO by Ashley Koff {Celebrity Dietitian} on Travel using Natural Calm as a great idea!  I'm sure while you're visiting the Natural Vitality site - you will find other great products, I just can't give my opinion about those since we haven't personally tried/use the other supplements yet.  And here is what Dr. Oz has to say about Magnesium Deficiency including a list of which foods are rich in Magnesium.

  I truly hope you enjoyed this healthy post...Natural Calm has helped me be more frugal in so many ways.  We've had less trips to the doctor and gas for appointments for me and my sons', no more wasting money buying candy bars daily, saving money not buying extra medicine for my nerves, etc...I wish you all the best.

*I am not a doctor nor pretend to be one.  Please do your own research before trying a product and talk to your personal care provider.  What works for me, or my family - may not work for you.  This is my own personal experience.  Cheers to Your Health!

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