
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Attack of Allergy Seasons!

*Non paid for/sponsored post.

Help!  Spring time pollen AND Hay fever allergies are bullying my family and me!

My oldest son has struggled with seasonal allergies for many years.  Then, after we moved to the Ozark Mountains of NW Arkansas  - its hits everyone in my family (including my dog!) HARD!!!  I didn't know dogs could suffer and get hot spots from allergies.

Over the counter meds is a waste of money with no relief.  The steroid nasal spray only helps minimally.  I've been looking for holistic approaches after years of torture.    

We found using an allergy tea helps, with a spoonful of all natural raw honey (*LOCAL collection to your area is best).  So much for summer fun, this year we had to spend most of our time inside in the central air to keep our eyes open.  Now that Hay fever season is here, we are onto our next round.  We've also included Elderberry Juice to our morning regimen.  Just a teaspoon for everyone.  It has amazing antioxidant properties and ironically, other than allergies - our family NEVER gets sick.  Go Elderberry Juice!  

Imagine trying to go to school or work looking like you just got out of the ring with Tyson?  His eyes are blood shot red!

Using a cold wet wash cloth helps with the itching some....

Raw Honey that is closest to my home I could find!
This AllergEase Herb Tea has been added to our mornings and evening routines.

Yes, we even use cucumber wedges on his eyes too :)
Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?  Do you have any other all natural suggestions to add? Thanks for sharing!

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