
Saturday, August 9, 2014

N.W. Arkansas Angel Pageant

God Made Everyone Special!

2:18 a.m.
  I simply can not sleep.  Today I will be taking my 'special needs children' to their very first pageant.  They will not be performing a talent, nor speech.  They will simply be showing up.  They will get their names called, walk up on stage...and a cue card will be read with my thoughts as to what is special about them.  All children are special.  They all have different hurdles then others - and so do their parents.  A certain person close to me was appalled when informed that I was taking them.  This individual was afraid that everyone will know about 'their conditions', and 'they will get labeled in our new town' among some more harsh words.  I'm second guessing a lot rite now, including taking them...

8:20 p.m.  
  Guess What!?!  News flash - It is okay to be different!  I can't even sum up the words for how glad I am for not backing out of this program.  The boys have been floating on air since we got home.  My eyes sting from crying tears of joy for hours.  
  My youngest was stimming from the time we arrived at the pageant.  He was covering his ears asking me to ask for the low playing music to be shut off (he can make all the noise he wants, but heaven forbid someone else make it!)... and there was a lot of separating of the boys and positive/negative reinforcements...but no one gave us nasty glares!  The other families, staff, and volunteers showed us so much love, kindness and affection.  We're not used to that in public.   Everyone made my boys feel like they are special.  A genuine, engaging.  This exercise wasn't just good for them and had them glowing and feeling accepted...but it has helped me as their mother and 'a certain close person' to look for programs in our new state to connect with other Autism Spectrum families.  We've all had a change of hearts!  Even the church that hosted the event, has an outreach ministry for special needs.  I would have never knew that if I allowed for us to stay in our comfort zone - aka hiding place home.  

While waiting...we took some photos -
The boys & table display
  Then from the very beginning, Vaughn made me cry.  As soon as we were on our way back to our seats from the stage where I explained the process several times of what to expect - Vaughn says, "Mom, you should be the one going up on stage to get a sash and crown for taking care of us."  WATERWORKS!  And once I started crying, it was so hard to hold them back the rest of the time.

Me and the boys cheesing =)

In prayer of Thanksgiving for all of the Angels
On the stage:
Vaughn behind the stage waiting for his name to be announced

Vaughn listening to his for the first time what mom wrote that makes him special <3 
escorted by BHS Quarterback Mr. Kasey Ford!

The Lovely Ladies waiting to sash/crown the Special Angels

Vaughn getting his sash by Miss Hanna

Vaughn waiting to be dismissed

Kingston started crying (he thought when he was announced as 'The Family Tinker' and everyone started laughing, that they were laughing at him...I had to explain the misunderstanding for about an hour afterwards...

Kingston getting his sash

Quick recover while inspecting his trophy with escort Mr. Kasey Ford (BHS Quarterback)

Malachi has REALLY come out of his shell in the past year.  This boy was BEAMING on (and off) the stage!  

Behind the stage :}
Miss Lakes of the Northwest ~ Hannah Gibson with Vaughn & Kingston

Miss Lakes of the Northwest ~ Hannah Gibson w/Malachi

Malachi and Miss Rodeo of the Ozarks 2014 Tori Miller - please visit her BLOG HERE

Malachi and Miss Emily Edwards that did the Crowning :)

Malachi was in his glory talking about Batman with the photographer =)

The Coffman Trio getting ready for a brother picture together

3rd Annual NWA Angels 2014

  Each family is different.  I urge you not to hide behind the labels like our family has come to do over the years.  The boys always knew they were different.  Not only did they get to feel special about being different, as an adult - I got to rejoice today with them for the first time.  I had a spiritual celebration that my kids (grocery list of diagnosis included) are who they are.  Each unique in their own way.  They do have strengths.  They are Mr. NWA Angels & my gifts from God.

James 1:17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Thank you to Daphne England for starting this organization and your team of angels.  From the bottom of our hearts.
Their Facebook Page
Please consider being a Sponsor or making a donation by clicking FUND SITE 

Quoted from their home page:


This is NOT your typical pageant, this pageant is for anyone with special needs. Anyone newborn-105, with a special need, is welcome to participate. We want this to be an exciting and super fun experience for these kids.
General Information
Our pageant system believes that EVERY child is a gift from God, regardless of their abilities. We love them and praise God for their life and spirit.

These pageants are not about ability. This is simply a chance for us to come together and celebrate these children's sweet spirits. There is no one winner, all of the contestants are winners! All will receive a crown, t-shirt, sash, and a goodie bag.

We welcome any special needs child that would like to participate, no matter which state you reside in.

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