
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Best Natural Deodorant!

...aside from laying out in the sun and tanning your pits...this really is the healthiest choice I've found for under arm, chemical free hygiene.  

  I must tell you, before I bought this, I was VERY skeptical.  Especially when the label boasts 24 hour coverage, hypoallergenic, Non-staining, seemed to good to be true.  This was the very first product I bought when beginning my all natural journey well over a year ago.  I resisted publishing this post in order to give my long term use honest review.  And honestly, its AMAZING!  I've used it during all 4 seasons waiting for it to fail me.  It never did!  

    After finding out that one of my closest friends was diagnosed with breast cancer, (in addition to her mother and 2 aunts on the other side within months of each other).  They were all told by their cancer specialist it was likely because of the cancer causing Parabens, Alums, Aluminum, the antiperspirant they were all using.  Breast cancer has spread like fire in the past few years.  I, like so many others, want to know why.  I dove into reading a magnitude of controversies and medical studies (**some sourced below) regarding the connection between all these claims of cancers and Alzheimer's connected with antiperspirants - I've come to the conclusion I just didn't want to risk it.  I called the Cancer Center of Philadelphia myself and asked what was the best deodorant to use to avoid breast cancer and I almost fell out off my chair when I was told not to use anything at all.  Just wash with soap and water.  Well, since I'm not Amish and care about others around me ~ that wasn't when she said the next best alternative was this Thai deodorant stone because it is just mineral salt - no other harsh chemicals...I had to do more research.  I found this site by Dr. Marcola that reinforced what she said.  

  Label reading has become so important to me since then.  Not just deodorant, but with lotions, cosmetics, hygiene products, cleaners, FOOD.  What you put in and on your body affects your whole quality of well-being.  Thus, my friends dubbing me now ~ a hippie ;)  But, I'm on first name basis now with my local natural health food retailers - so it doesn't bother me.  Whom of which, I've received more affirmation of this particular brand being their number one recommended and best selling deodorant stick.

 Okay, so health class aside - I've been using this salt stick daily for over a year,  it's barely gone down an 1/8 of an inch.  I do apply liberally after showering - but it seems like it's going to last for years to come at this rate!  Another perk - your actually saving money by how long this stick lasts too.  

  Also, did you know its not sweat that causes armpit stains, but the chemicals in deodorants!?  This stick gives you the coverage to eradicate BO without all the chemicals - its awesome!!  (shhh...don't tell, but all my loved ones are getting this for a stocking stuffer this year too).

  Also, you can use this magic deodorant stick ANYWHERE you would NOT like smells to emanate from, such as - but not limited to: arm pits, feet, under bosem, between buttocks (wish I had this when I was going to the gym regularly!).  

*This is not a compensated nor sponsored post but does have my affiliate link.  Thank you in advance if you choose to make your future Amazon purchases through my site!  You do not have to order this stick through me - but I urge you to label read everything and take care of your health to the fullest.  

**(Journal of Applied Toxicology, April 2014)
**(Journal of Applied Toxicology, April, 2011)
**(Journal of Applied Toxicology, March, 1998)

What do you think of an all natural deodorant that is healthy for your body?  Or, have you ever heard of or tried THAI Crystal Deodorant Stone?  

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