
Homeschool Adventures

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How can you go wrong when mixing science and learning!?! Mad Science Time! 

Click: {link} To Tour 'de Coffman Homeschool Post

Click ----> Jester Owen's Book Review

Click: {link} To get to FREE lesson plan & craft

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    Click ---> Learning to tell time...with a Sun Dial!

    Focus: Special Needs

    Click ---> Weighted Neck Wrap {how to}
    Click ----> Pageant for Special Needs {adults & children!}
    Click ---> Yoga {for special need kiddos}

    Click ---> Behavior Chart {free printable!}

    Our Exciting and Fun Butterfly Life Cycle Project!

    The boys and I are so happy that spring is near!  As much as I take delight in all four seasons, there is just something magical about these first warm days when we can get outside and soak up the sun!

    A couple months ago, the boys said they wanted to learn all about butterflies ~ I almost fell over!  What!?! something I could enjoy too!  Don't get me wrong, having 3 boys is is a blessing and I'm grateful for them ~ but being the only female in the house gets kinda boring.  Finally they have taken an interest in something...dare I say it...girly?  Yay!

    I started with Pinterest and found loads of freebie worksheets.  I always give each boy their own folder per subject.  This makes organization so much easier to hold everything like: lapbooks, reports, spelling words related to special subject, etc....{I will post those pictures soon!}.

    Since Hobby Lobby is one of my favorite stores {Of All Time!} I stopped by to see what they had out crafty and butterfly related.  I don't just love Hobby Lobby for my personal crafting obsessions, but for home school shopping in the educational isles too.  Here is a picture of the figurines I got there for they boys to have some more fun with learning through playtime.  This kit was less than $5.00 and made by Insect Lore.  The figurines from egg to butterfly are actually made of great quality, {something that will break anytime soon is a score in my house!}.  Not only did all three boys have some fun playing with them, but then used the kit to draw in their sketch books for still life.  See what I did there?  I tied subjects together :)  

    While they were getting their art on, I hoped online and ordered our butterfly garden kit from Insect Lore for $19.99.  It came with easy to follow instructions to order and pay for shipping of the live caterpillars and schedule their shipping on the date I wanted them mailed to us.  {Make sure it's a day your going to be home to greet the mailman!}.  The shipping cost was $5.00 
    Here is a link to their website, although you can buy the kit from most anywhere...ebay, Toys 'R Us, etc..

    Here is the picture of the Coffman Trio showing you some of their Butterfly Unit, aren't they adorable!?! :-)

    {The littlest is holding his packet for you to see of his 9 Science Activities for grades PreK, K & 1-3.  You can print out this little free treat directly from}

    Here is another amazing link for more Free Printables for your butterfly study unit.

    I bought this beautiful illustrated book {shameless Usborne drop lol}.  It's an easy reader my boys loved.

      Next is a picture of our 5 caterpillars that just made their way to Chrysalises Cycle!  Vaughn named them all.  I would like to introduce you to ~ Manny, Moe, Jack, Joy & Faith.  Do butterfly's usually get named?  While they're still hanging upside down and we're waiting for their amazing transformation to take place...we will be setting up their new Habitat.  I read that if you put carnations at the bottom of it and drop sugar water on them, not only will it be pretty ~ but a sweet treat for them!  We are soooo excited for their transformation!  

    March 17, 2014
    Our babies are born!  The boys were squealing with excitement!  Today IS a lucky day!  So far, 3 of the 5 are fluttering about =) And they really do seem to enjoy their sugar water.  Tomorrow I'm going to surprise them with an orange slice to see how they take to that.  

    And What LUCK!  Our next batch of baby caterpillars arrived today too!  Irish eyes are definitely smiling down on our family!   

     Introducing our 2nd batch of 5 caterpillars!  These ones are much more smaller than the first ones we were sent.  Hopefully it will be warm enough outside to release the first batch by the time these little ones are ready!  The brown of the container is the caterpillar food.  

    March 18, 2014
    ALL of our butterflies have now emerged!

    Butterflies do not bleed. They have a body fluid called haemolymph and when they emerge from their chrysalides, they release stored up waste products that are often reddish in color that may be mistaken for blood.  In anticipation for this, I place some tissues at the bottom of our habitat for easy cleanup.  =)

    Malachi carefully examining the newly emerged butterflies and watching them open their wings for the first time!  *Did you notice I hung our net upside down?  The handle is at the top, and the zipper access point is at the bottom...since butterflies like to fly up ~ I didn't want to take the chance of them fluttering out when feeding them.  So, our habitat is suspended with twine upside down to a planter pot in the corner of our dining room.  

    Here Kingston is adding a leaf and a twig to their habitat.  He really wants them to feel at 'home'.

    In the beginning of May, we are joining a homeschooling co-op for a trip to The Butterfly Palace in Branson, Missouri.

    They have an Exotic Butterfly Aviary, A Living Rain forest Science Center and so much more!  We've never been there before, but I've heard so many great reviews from other parents, maybe I could talk my husband into making it a whole weekend trip?  Wish me luck with that!

    I will be updating our page with more of our progress pictures and activities.  Thanks for joining us with our project and please feel free to comment below!  


    1. Beautiful pictures! I love your butterfly post!

      1. Thank you! I can't wait to put together our trip to The Butterfly Palace in Branson :)
