Sunday, May 25, 2014

Kings River Falls ~ Witter, Arkansas {close to Boston, AR}

  Another Place You MUST Visit and spend a WHOLE Day is Kings River Falls 
{bring your lunch, swim attire, towel and most importantly, a waterproof camera!}

  The boys and I were blessed by an invitation to join another family in our homeschooling co-op to go on a day field trip To Kings River Falls in Boston, Arkansas.  After spending days refinishing my boy's bedroom furniture, {I'm excited to share that post once it's completed!}, we really needed some fun and out door mountain air time!

 I may have been born a Philly girl, but I've always been a mountain woman by heart.  My soul is still stirring by the smell of spring & the views from the drive alone in these vast, beautiful green mountains.  Arkansas is truly 'The Natural State'.  Moving from the east coast, I am still in wonderment as I get to explore all these hidden treasures of this and surrounding fascinating states.  One of the reasons we chose to move to our location in NWA {North West Arkansas} is of the access to all the lakes, hiking trails, and the waterfalls.    
Below is a link for Arkansas Natural Heritage is chock-full of information on local natural areas, news/events, data & research, and if you have kids or teach - there is a tab for Citizen Science that my boys are loving!

Kings River Falls Natural Area Page
Address: Madison 3500, Witter, AR 72776

My YouTube Channel - Short video of my children & friends jumping in! -  Waterfall Jumping

  Feast your eyes on just a FEW of the photos that I took.  I was so in love with the richness of natural beauty that surrounded me - it was hard to put my camera down.  I'm so glad we got to go in spring, with all the flowers blooming.  Next time I go, I will be leaving my camera on a rock and spending more time swimming and jumping off the cliffs!  Additionally, I will be taking a tent to overnight it!

*Note -NONE of these photos were Photoshoped or enhanced in any way, this is natural beauty.  All I did was drop my tag line on each picture.*  

One of many views :)

Sign at trail start
Vaughn Swimming

Malachi counting down before taking the plunge! 3...




Vaughn saying, "Welcome to the gun show"

So much beauty, so much fun

The grotto underneath was fun to hang out in

Area to the left of fall

Another view to the left of fall


Kingston eating his lunch on top of the waterfall 

Vaughn Swimming

Vaughn Swimming
 I decided to take a hike up the river to try to capture more of God's handy work <3
Up the river


Tadpoles .... most of them came home with us with the help of his bucket for a science project!  

So peaceful

Continuing up the river 

I took this picture from top of the falls

Malachi leaping in!

I lost count of the amount of jumps he made in one day...great fun & exercise climbing back up!
On our way out, I tried to take as many pictures of posies and raspberry bushes as possible

The boys walking across the metal bridge.  We even stopped to say a quick prayer of gratitude.

This periwinkle reminded me and made me miss my mother-in-law Kathy

Another spot that was recently created to dam up water

The blue trail blaze marked the trail the whole way through


Black Raspberry bush veined it's way around this try so beautifully

You can see this house from the trail.  I was told by a gentleman that happened to join our group {with his cute dog} that it was built a year ago.  I LOVED it..It really reminded me of Little House On the Prairie.  

Picture I took of a sign hung on the tree, can be seen several spots on the trail.

Me cheesing in front of the waterfall ;-)
The following is more random pictures I took during our special day 

As you can see, the Azalea bushes were so huge, fragrant and beautiful!

Kingston & Vaughn playing
Malachi plunging in 


Vaughn cheesing {he only came out of the water a few times lol}

From top of the fall

On our way out, Kingston stopped at another spring site

Up the river, Kingston looking for crayfish & treasures

Kingston doing his part in helping the dam by placing small rocks between the big ones 

Kingston really wanted to jump off the cliff, but he's not ready yet

I was having fun taking pictures <3

Huge boulders, great for climbing and snake searching!  lol

Hope you enjoyed the photos of our trip!  As a newbie to the area, I would love other suggestions of amazing destination spots in NWA like this to venture to with my littles!  So please feel free to share others in the comments, lets make this a resource list...and the longer the better!

Thanks so much,

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