
Friday, March 28, 2014

{FREE Giveaway!} 100% Wool Dryer Balls..What is the purpose?

The Purpose is to save YOUR GREEN {Wallet & Planet!}

100% Wool Dryer Balls.  The DIY and where to BUY!
  Cut your Dryer Time Significantly!  I really wish I would have known about these so much sooner in my 'laundering' life.  They are very environmentally friendly, and wallet friendly!

  I've done a ton of research on these 100% pure wool dryer balls.  My results = natural is better!  Who Knew!?!  I just wish I would have so much sooner.  Like, when I started doing wash!  No really - there're that good!

  Wool dryer balls reduce the amount of time and electricity used to dry laundry and static from your clothing. The dryer balls work by absorbing moisture and providing better air circulation by rotating your clothes.  Plus, an all natural static remover!

With many uses now - I've learned:
1.  They DO work.
2.  They can last for years
3.  They are safe with cloth diapering and for all skin types
4.  If you choose a colored wool - they do not bleed onto other fabrics
5.  They can be scented with 100% natural essential oils.
      {but they will need to be resented in about a month's time, if you do laundry everyday like me ha!}
6.  With time they start pilling {fuzzy balls that can be shaved off if you want, but they won't 'shed' on your clothing so it's not a biggie}.
7.  Large balls make a LOT of clumping sounds in your dryer.  {Think of those sneakers that you washed and put in your dryer that drove you nuts!}.  So I prefer using small balls.

How To Use Them:
Simply place the dryer balls and washed laundry into your dryer and let the dryer balls dry your laundry much faster. The more balls you have, the faster your laundry will dry! The scent lasts a couple of weeks. Later, you can re-scent with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. I started with 3 balls that I made at home trying to be frugal {DIY below}...but decided as crafty & frugal as I am, it just took me way too long to make more.  So I will be providing you with the name & link to the Etsy store I chose to buy more from and I'm SOOO glad I did.  It is more Frugal for me to order from her, than all the time it took me.  And I got a great greeting at my door by my delivery man that wanted to know what the amazing smell was from inside my envelope!  After I used my ordered wool balls several times, I was bursting to leave a rave review online for this seller!  And here's some great news for YOU, {a little Treat by Tanya}, below is an electronic Raffle for one of my lucky readers to win YOUR FREE Set of 5 ~ 100% Pure Wool Dryer Balls!  But wait, there's more!...but you have to read to the bottom.  lol

So here's the My DIY break down.  I started with an order of just ONE ream of Lions Brand 100% wool.  With shipping it cost me almost $10....and I had to wait almost 2 weeks for it's arrival - boooo!  {I've yet to find a supplier of real wool near me anywhere near affordable}.  Felting hats is somewhere upcoming on my bucket lists!  


Start with raveling a small amount around your fingers.  Keep circling and turning to create a ball shape.

I rolled mine about an inch for each ball {I wanted to make sure I had enough to felt them twice}

My second ball...

Here's my first 3 balls.  Eyeballing it, I tried to make them even in size as possible while using half the ream of yarn.

It's true.  I'm probably the most impatient ADHD woman you may come across.  My directions were to put them in a stocking or sock, throw in with a load of laundry to felt the first time.  But I had no laundry to do - at all!  Wasting a whole machine for 3 little balls seemed wasteful.  I figured, since I was to try to get the wash water as hot as possible, wouldn't it work putting them in stockings tied off and boil them?  YES!  Yes it did work.  I also used tongs and bounced them around to give them the 'agitation experience'.

This is what they look like after the first boil/washing round.  They shrink a lot, and I wrapped them tight.  

After first hot water/agitation treatment

Then I put them in the dryer {still in tied off sock}
After the first hot water/agitation treatment they measured about an inch.
The wool ball on the left and right is after raveling a second time {making them called twice felted}.
Notice the size difference? 
After I finished felting my wool balls for the second time, boiled, dried {and it took a LONG time for them to dry, notice the lighting difference in the pictures?  I started when it was daylight, worked on them through the night, by the time they were dry it is day light on the next day.
My finished product.  Three 100% Pure Wool Unscented Dryer Balls ready for action!
So far I've dried 25 loads of laundry with these, and they really work with large loads!  I wanted more, but since it took me HOURS to make these 3, I went to my favorite place to find awesome handmade products...Etsy!

There, I found Wyndie with Wyndmill Designs!  Sometimes you just know by looking at what a person crafts and sells, that your of kindred spirit!  Not only does she sell Wool Dryer Balls {that I love!} but she has a whole store full of great goods! Like Men's Vegan Wallets, Passport Holders...well ~ you'll see when you get to her store!  Keep reading down.

Out of everyone on Etsy making wool balls...I choose Wyndie's Store because she was offering as a set of 5 100% Wool Dryer Balls for only $15.00 & $3.00 shipping {$18.00 total is a VERY fair price!}.  Plus you get to pick a oil scent {I went with lemongrass}.  Not to mention any names, but I've found other vendors selling 4 balls about the same size for $35.00 + $10.00 Shipping!  To put selling these on Etsy in perspective ~ 100% wool is not cheap.  Then you have listing fees, and sellers fees, and shipping.  It really adds up fast.  So you are getting Quality and Value at WyndMill Designs!

Since I received my order ~ I've used these balls 5 times to dry my clothes, with this clothes are now dry BEFORE my washer shuts off!  Not only is this new Frugal product saving me $ reducing my dryer time - but they save MY TIME by not having to wait the full 60 minutes for the dryer to get done before I can 'flip' the load over.  I feel so good about not adding dryer sheets to the landfills and they are all natural.  And look at Wyndmill's compared to mine!  Really?  She's a pro and does a much better felting job!  Sometimes it's more frugal to let someone else do something that has access to better quality, and volumes, etc..See my treat below!  I adore her packaging and the smell is amazing!  It inspired me to want to spring clean my whole house!

Look at this cute package!  They came in a custom bag Thank You gift bag to keep them in ~ so adorable!
Not only is she going to give one of my lucky reader Your Own Bag of 5 100% Pure Wool Dryer Balls, but she also blessed me with a Refer a Friend Code for YOU that can be used for anything in her store.  {You apply it when you're ready to check-out}.
Use code:  friend10
for 10% off your purchases!  How sweet is she!?!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I truly hope this helped to answer questions you may have about 100% Wool Dryer Balls.  If not, or there is something you would like to add ~ please feel free to leave a comment below or contact me on facebook.


  1. I ❤️ dryer balls! I have been using 2 I bought off eBay for several months now and can't believe I didn't try them sooner!! I would LOVE to win some more to cut down on my dryer time!! Thank you for the code too!

    1. Oh Amanda that's awesome that you noticed a difference with just 2...wait till you try a whole set! Have you tried scenting them with natural oils or just letting them go naturally? Good luck with the entry - you can enter each day too :)

  2. I've never even heard of these! I am very curious to try them! Great tutorial! this is Kamay by the way :)

    1. Hi Kamay! Thanks so much for the compliments and thanks for stopping by! You are of kindred spirit...a homeschooling frugal mom ~ I'm sure you will find lots of goodies here. And I know you will LOVE these wool balls too =)

  3. Since our dryer takes forever to dry even small loads, I'm thinking this is the solution I've been looking for!

    1. I was in the same boat, each load would take the full 60 minutes {towels would have to get turned on for a second time} :-/ I honestly love these and wish I had them YEARS sooner! Good luck with the entries, maybe you could win your first set to try =)

    2. If i dont win them, I am definitely buying a set!

    3. Great idea! I went with the lemongrass scent ~ it smelled so amazing! But I think once the smell wears off I'm just going to leave them unscented. :-)

  4. I couldn't wait to see if I was going to win or not, so me and my mother just ordered some from WyndMills. Thanks for the discount code too!!

    1. That's great Stephanie! Did you go with a scent or unscented? I'm so glad you both ordered from her and got to take advantage of the coupon code ~ keep us posted when you ladies get yours and how well they work for you both =)

    2. I received the unscented wool balls in a super fast time! They work really well! My clothes dry in half the time. Absolutely love them!!

    3. That's great Stephanie! Mine came super quick too ~ thanks for sharing your experience with us :)

  5. I found your blog and am now subscribed. I have been thinking about making these myself:)

    1. Thank you so much for subscribing! Let me know how they turn out when you get them done and try them out :)

  6. I just found your blog and wow! It's awesome! I would love to try these as I've been trying to find better more natural ways to do my laundry. Not to mention a lower electric bill is always nice!

    1. Thank you so much Tab for the compliments, you just made my morning! I hope you get the chance to try these, no more filling landfills with fabric softer sheets and 100% natural for you skin. Keep us posted! =)

  7. I've been wanting to try wool dryer balls for a long time! These look great!

  8. My electrics rates are going up and I have an electric dryer- I need these!

    1. I feel for you, don't forget to enter the raffle daily to try to win a pack! These have helped our family so much already.

  9. Wow, what a great giveaway!! Thank you so much!

    1. Thanks Kristi and Good Luck with the raffle ~ don't forget to enter daily...only a couple days left for the raffle :)

  10. These look awesome, can't wait to try them!

    1. Thanks Terri & keep us posted after you do :)

  11. Wow..these sound great! We have stopped used fabric softener in our clothes due to my husband's sensitive skin. Would really like to try these out when I drymy towels especially!

    1. Jessica have you tried using distilled white vinegar mixed with water for fabric softener? I still use my vinegar/water solution then use the balls in the dryer too. We are still static free =)

  12. Very curious, I have heard of them but never thought of trying to make any. I do felt though. Thanks for a great review of the product you made and bought. What a great giveaway.

    1. Thank you Peggy - I'm sure they will be a breeze for you to make :)

  13. I bought one a few weeks ago but don't see much difference with one.... except for the scent I put on it. :) Would love to have more to see how much difference they really make.

    1. Hi Chris! I've noticed, the more the merrier! I use the 5 that I bought as a set with the 3 I made...and my laundry is dry before the washing machine shuts off. Good luck! :)
