
Monday, March 31, 2014

Coconut Oil Pulling

  It would seem that Oil Pulling is the Newest & Biggest Craze to hit Internet Town!...but it's actually been in practice for thousands of years.  It's become modern due to social media...and we all know once something goes viral {especially on Pinterest!} it's out there and we just gotta look into it and try it =) }  So, lets talk about it, oral care and the all the amazing benefits.

  There are Over 700 different strains  of bacterial species living in your mouth rite now.  Yummy!  There's the good bacteria such as probiotics that help with our digestion, and the ones we could live without that cause tooth decay and gingivitis.  And the dreaded bad breath!

The 2 most common HARMFUL bacteria found in our mouths

Streptococcus mutans is the bacteria you've probably heard the most about.  It lives in your mouth and feeds on the sugars and starches that you eat.  That alone wouldn't be so bad, but as a by-product of its ravenous appetite, it produces enamel-eroding acids, which make streptococcus mutan the main cause of tooth decay in us humans.

Porphyromonas gingivalis is USUALLY not present in a healthy mouth, but when it does appear, it has been strongly linked to peridontitis.  Periodontitis is a serious and progressive disease that effects the tissues and the alveolar bone that support the teeth.  It is not a disease to be taken lightly.  It can cause significant dental pain, and can eventually lead to tooth loss.

Here is an Amazon Free Kindle Book you can download

The Good News! 
You can manage and control the bacteria in your mouth with good oral care.  Obviously, brushing after meals and flossing at least once per day can remove the source of food for harmful bacteria ~ which can keep them from reproducing in your mouth.  Antibacterial mouthwash can also be used to keep your oral flora from taking over. Your diet also play a bigger role in managing bacteria than you may realize.  Avoiding sugary and starchy foods and eating foods that are known to promote healthy bacteria will help you keep your teeth and mouth healthy for a lifetime.  Diet and Oral Health

A year ago, I started learning about some the benefits of Coconut Oil.  My middle son would get eczema bad on his upper arms. {link to that post here} So I already had several bottles of Organic Coconut Oil at home.  One in the kitchen for baking, one for my son, and I have my own for a leave in conditioner and lotion. 
Onto the Oil Pulling!  
This has been in practice for over a thousand years by men and women in India.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  I love hearing/reading other's opions, but I love facts more.  The best published book with actual printed research I could find is "Oil Pulling Therapy" by Dr. Bruce Fife.  I would recommend this book to everyone.  It touches Fibromyalgia, migraines, constant headaches, fatigue and other issues and how Oil Pulling can help naturally eliminate these life barriers.

Take about 1 Tablespoon of oil and put it in your mouth.  Let it dissolve and swish it around for 10-20 minutes, the closer to 20 the better....then spit your toxin mouthful out in the trash can.  {It will melt in your mouth, and re-harden in your pipes - yikes!}.  Then rinse your mouth out with warm water and wallah!  Clean, healthy mouth!  Then brush your teeth as usual. 
*Though coconut oil is natural and safe for ingestion, {as long as you don't have a coconut allergy}, never swallow it when your done pulling.  After swishing for 20 minutes, you have a mouthful of toxins that you want to expel from your body, NOT re-ingest.  
You can use other oils.  Traditionally sesame seed oil and sunflower oil was used.  I prefer Coconut Oil because:
1. I had it on hand
2.  I prefer organic coconut oil because Lauric Acid {about half of the fats in coconut oil} is proven to be antimicrobial...meaning it can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi.

You can repeat this detox once a day, or 3 times a day.  The amount you choose is up to you to pull toxins out of your mouth.  
The majority of people I've found that started Oil Pulling, typically do it in the morning due to the time factor they have for prepping for the day.  You can do it while you: shower, dress, devotionals, checking emails, etc...when you stay busy - 20 minutes can go by pretty quickly.  But you can do this anytime of day or night.  I've yet to find research to prove a certain time of day is better than another.    

My Experience with Oil Pulling
So far I've been doing my Oil Pull swishing for since December, 2013.  The first time, I'm not going to lie...I gagged.  It wasn't a pretty site.  Like a cat & hair ball kinda gag.  I've some sensory issues, my kids get it honest.  As much as I wanted to find ways to improve health for me & family...I didn't think this adjustment was going to be added to my routine.  The consistency of putting it on my tongue and praying for it to melt faster made me feel like I was on an episode of Fear Factor.  The second morning I tried putting it UNDER my tongue and waited for it to melt, then swished back and forth for 20 minutes.  This method worked for me, so now that I'm used to it, it doesn't bother me.
I noticed an IMMEDIATE change in my mouth after my second morning pull.  Everything tasted SALTY all day.  As in, I could taste the salt in anything that had even minute traces of salt.  My husband had made dinner the second night {mind you, he's amazing in the kitchen}, but I could NOT choke down the mashed potatoes or green beans,  We normally 'lightly' salt anything...but everything I eat now, I can TASTE the sodium content without looking at a label.  Sadly, coffee doesn't even taste the same to me *tear*.  
My sense of SMELL is also much better before!  Way better!!  I know this sounds odd, but I kinda feel like Spider Man with my new found senses!  
I haven't noticed a 'whitening' effect like most people claim to have seen though...but I am a tea & coffee over, or used to be ~ so I'm keeping an eye on that claim to Oil Pulling and will update you with a change in results if I find it.
I would say overall within the 2 weeks, I've had MAJOR gum health improvement, {and I thought my gums were healthy before!}.  Oral hygiene has always been important to me, but my teeth feel so smooth now.  Not only are my gums pinker than they were before, they feel...tighter!  And I feel overall Healthy!   *this post contains affiliate links, but the opinions and experience are as always, my own.   

I would love to hear your results with Oil Pulling if you have tried it!  If you have any questions, or something you would like to add, please comment below.  Cheers to your Health!   

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