
Monday, March 31, 2014

Coconut Oil Pulling

  It would seem that Oil Pulling is the Newest & Biggest Craze to hit Internet Town!...but it's actually been in practice for thousands of years.  It's become modern due to social media...and we all know once something goes viral {especially on Pinterest!} it's out there and we just gotta look into it and try it =) }  So, lets talk about it, oral care and the all the amazing benefits.

  There are Over 700 different strains  of bacterial species living in your mouth rite now.  Yummy!  There's the good bacteria such as probiotics that help with our digestion, and the ones we could live without that cause tooth decay and gingivitis.  And the dreaded bad breath!

The 2 most common HARMFUL bacteria found in our mouths

Streptococcus mutans is the bacteria you've probably heard the most about.  It lives in your mouth and feeds on the sugars and starches that you eat.  That alone wouldn't be so bad, but as a by-product of its ravenous appetite, it produces enamel-eroding acids, which make streptococcus mutan the main cause of tooth decay in us humans.

Porphyromonas gingivalis is USUALLY not present in a healthy mouth, but when it does appear, it has been strongly linked to peridontitis.  Periodontitis is a serious and progressive disease that effects the tissues and the alveolar bone that support the teeth.  It is not a disease to be taken lightly.  It can cause significant dental pain, and can eventually lead to tooth loss.

Here is an Amazon Free Kindle Book you can download

The Good News! 
You can manage and control the bacteria in your mouth with good oral care.  Obviously, brushing after meals and flossing at least once per day can remove the source of food for harmful bacteria ~ which can keep them from reproducing in your mouth.  Antibacterial mouthwash can also be used to keep your oral flora from taking over. Your diet also play a bigger role in managing bacteria than you may realize.  Avoiding sugary and starchy foods and eating foods that are known to promote healthy bacteria will help you keep your teeth and mouth healthy for a lifetime.  Diet and Oral Health

A year ago, I started learning about some the benefits of Coconut Oil.  My middle son would get eczema bad on his upper arms. {link to that post here} So I already had several bottles of Organic Coconut Oil at home.  One in the kitchen for baking, one for my son, and I have my own for a leave in conditioner and lotion. 
Onto the Oil Pulling!  
This has been in practice for over a thousand years by men and women in India.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  I love hearing/reading other's opions, but I love facts more.  The best published book with actual printed research I could find is "Oil Pulling Therapy" by Dr. Bruce Fife.  I would recommend this book to everyone.  It touches Fibromyalgia, migraines, constant headaches, fatigue and other issues and how Oil Pulling can help naturally eliminate these life barriers.

Take about 1 Tablespoon of oil and put it in your mouth.  Let it dissolve and swish it around for 10-20 minutes, the closer to 20 the better....then spit your toxin mouthful out in the trash can.  {It will melt in your mouth, and re-harden in your pipes - yikes!}.  Then rinse your mouth out with warm water and wallah!  Clean, healthy mouth!  Then brush your teeth as usual. 
*Though coconut oil is natural and safe for ingestion, {as long as you don't have a coconut allergy}, never swallow it when your done pulling.  After swishing for 20 minutes, you have a mouthful of toxins that you want to expel from your body, NOT re-ingest.  
You can use other oils.  Traditionally sesame seed oil and sunflower oil was used.  I prefer Coconut Oil because:
1. I had it on hand
2.  I prefer organic coconut oil because Lauric Acid {about half of the fats in coconut oil} is proven to be antimicrobial...meaning it can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi.

You can repeat this detox once a day, or 3 times a day.  The amount you choose is up to you to pull toxins out of your mouth.  
The majority of people I've found that started Oil Pulling, typically do it in the morning due to the time factor they have for prepping for the day.  You can do it while you: shower, dress, devotionals, checking emails, etc...when you stay busy - 20 minutes can go by pretty quickly.  But you can do this anytime of day or night.  I've yet to find research to prove a certain time of day is better than another.    

My Experience with Oil Pulling
So far I've been doing my Oil Pull swishing for since December, 2013.  The first time, I'm not going to lie...I gagged.  It wasn't a pretty site.  Like a cat & hair ball kinda gag.  I've some sensory issues, my kids get it honest.  As much as I wanted to find ways to improve health for me & family...I didn't think this adjustment was going to be added to my routine.  The consistency of putting it on my tongue and praying for it to melt faster made me feel like I was on an episode of Fear Factor.  The second morning I tried putting it UNDER my tongue and waited for it to melt, then swished back and forth for 20 minutes.  This method worked for me, so now that I'm used to it, it doesn't bother me.
I noticed an IMMEDIATE change in my mouth after my second morning pull.  Everything tasted SALTY all day.  As in, I could taste the salt in anything that had even minute traces of salt.  My husband had made dinner the second night {mind you, he's amazing in the kitchen}, but I could NOT choke down the mashed potatoes or green beans,  We normally 'lightly' salt anything...but everything I eat now, I can TASTE the sodium content without looking at a label.  Sadly, coffee doesn't even taste the same to me *tear*.  
My sense of SMELL is also much better before!  Way better!!  I know this sounds odd, but I kinda feel like Spider Man with my new found senses!  
I haven't noticed a 'whitening' effect like most people claim to have seen though...but I am a tea & coffee over, or used to be ~ so I'm keeping an eye on that claim to Oil Pulling and will update you with a change in results if I find it.
I would say overall within the 2 weeks, I've had MAJOR gum health improvement, {and I thought my gums were healthy before!}.  Oral hygiene has always been important to me, but my teeth feel so smooth now.  Not only are my gums pinker than they were before, they feel...tighter!  And I feel overall Healthy!   *this post contains affiliate links, but the opinions and experience are as always, my own.   

I would love to hear your results with Oil Pulling if you have tried it!  If you have any questions, or something you would like to add, please comment below.  Cheers to your Health!   

Friday, March 28, 2014

{FREE Giveaway!} 100% Wool Dryer Balls..What is the purpose?

The Purpose is to save YOUR GREEN {Wallet & Planet!}

100% Wool Dryer Balls.  The DIY and where to BUY!
  Cut your Dryer Time Significantly!  I really wish I would have known about these so much sooner in my 'laundering' life.  They are very environmentally friendly, and wallet friendly!

  I've done a ton of research on these 100% pure wool dryer balls.  My results = natural is better!  Who Knew!?!  I just wish I would have so much sooner.  Like, when I started doing wash!  No really - there're that good!

  Wool dryer balls reduce the amount of time and electricity used to dry laundry and static from your clothing. The dryer balls work by absorbing moisture and providing better air circulation by rotating your clothes.  Plus, an all natural static remover!

With many uses now - I've learned:
1.  They DO work.
2.  They can last for years
3.  They are safe with cloth diapering and for all skin types
4.  If you choose a colored wool - they do not bleed onto other fabrics
5.  They can be scented with 100% natural essential oils.
      {but they will need to be resented in about a month's time, if you do laundry everyday like me ha!}
6.  With time they start pilling {fuzzy balls that can be shaved off if you want, but they won't 'shed' on your clothing so it's not a biggie}.
7.  Large balls make a LOT of clumping sounds in your dryer.  {Think of those sneakers that you washed and put in your dryer that drove you nuts!}.  So I prefer using small balls.

How To Use Them:
Simply place the dryer balls and washed laundry into your dryer and let the dryer balls dry your laundry much faster. The more balls you have, the faster your laundry will dry! The scent lasts a couple of weeks. Later, you can re-scent with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. I started with 3 balls that I made at home trying to be frugal {DIY below}...but decided as crafty & frugal as I am, it just took me way too long to make more.  So I will be providing you with the name & link to the Etsy store I chose to buy more from and I'm SOOO glad I did.  It is more Frugal for me to order from her, than all the time it took me.  And I got a great greeting at my door by my delivery man that wanted to know what the amazing smell was from inside my envelope!  After I used my ordered wool balls several times, I was bursting to leave a rave review online for this seller!  And here's some great news for YOU, {a little Treat by Tanya}, below is an electronic Raffle for one of my lucky readers to win YOUR FREE Set of 5 ~ 100% Pure Wool Dryer Balls!  But wait, there's more!...but you have to read to the bottom.  lol

So here's the My DIY break down.  I started with an order of just ONE ream of Lions Brand 100% wool.  With shipping it cost me almost $10....and I had to wait almost 2 weeks for it's arrival - boooo!  {I've yet to find a supplier of real wool near me anywhere near affordable}.  Felting hats is somewhere upcoming on my bucket lists!  


Start with raveling a small amount around your fingers.  Keep circling and turning to create a ball shape.

I rolled mine about an inch for each ball {I wanted to make sure I had enough to felt them twice}

My second ball...

Here's my first 3 balls.  Eyeballing it, I tried to make them even in size as possible while using half the ream of yarn.

It's true.  I'm probably the most impatient ADHD woman you may come across.  My directions were to put them in a stocking or sock, throw in with a load of laundry to felt the first time.  But I had no laundry to do - at all!  Wasting a whole machine for 3 little balls seemed wasteful.  I figured, since I was to try to get the wash water as hot as possible, wouldn't it work putting them in stockings tied off and boil them?  YES!  Yes it did work.  I also used tongs and bounced them around to give them the 'agitation experience'.

This is what they look like after the first boil/washing round.  They shrink a lot, and I wrapped them tight.  

After first hot water/agitation treatment

Then I put them in the dryer {still in tied off sock}
After the first hot water/agitation treatment they measured about an inch.
The wool ball on the left and right is after raveling a second time {making them called twice felted}.
Notice the size difference? 
After I finished felting my wool balls for the second time, boiled, dried {and it took a LONG time for them to dry, notice the lighting difference in the pictures?  I started when it was daylight, worked on them through the night, by the time they were dry it is day light on the next day.
My finished product.  Three 100% Pure Wool Unscented Dryer Balls ready for action!
So far I've dried 25 loads of laundry with these, and they really work with large loads!  I wanted more, but since it took me HOURS to make these 3, I went to my favorite place to find awesome handmade products...Etsy!

There, I found Wyndie with Wyndmill Designs!  Sometimes you just know by looking at what a person crafts and sells, that your of kindred spirit!  Not only does she sell Wool Dryer Balls {that I love!} but she has a whole store full of great goods! Like Men's Vegan Wallets, Passport Holders...well ~ you'll see when you get to her store!  Keep reading down.

Out of everyone on Etsy making wool balls...I choose Wyndie's Store because she was offering as a set of 5 100% Wool Dryer Balls for only $15.00 & $3.00 shipping {$18.00 total is a VERY fair price!}.  Plus you get to pick a oil scent {I went with lemongrass}.  Not to mention any names, but I've found other vendors selling 4 balls about the same size for $35.00 + $10.00 Shipping!  To put selling these on Etsy in perspective ~ 100% wool is not cheap.  Then you have listing fees, and sellers fees, and shipping.  It really adds up fast.  So you are getting Quality and Value at WyndMill Designs!

Since I received my order ~ I've used these balls 5 times to dry my clothes, with this clothes are now dry BEFORE my washer shuts off!  Not only is this new Frugal product saving me $ reducing my dryer time - but they save MY TIME by not having to wait the full 60 minutes for the dryer to get done before I can 'flip' the load over.  I feel so good about not adding dryer sheets to the landfills and they are all natural.  And look at Wyndmill's compared to mine!  Really?  She's a pro and does a much better felting job!  Sometimes it's more frugal to let someone else do something that has access to better quality, and volumes, etc..See my treat below!  I adore her packaging and the smell is amazing!  It inspired me to want to spring clean my whole house!

Look at this cute package!  They came in a custom bag Thank You gift bag to keep them in ~ so adorable!
Not only is she going to give one of my lucky reader Your Own Bag of 5 100% Pure Wool Dryer Balls, but she also blessed me with a Refer a Friend Code for YOU that can be used for anything in her store.  {You apply it when you're ready to check-out}.
Use code:  friend10
for 10% off your purchases!  How sweet is she!?!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I truly hope this helped to answer questions you may have about 100% Wool Dryer Balls.  If not, or there is something you would like to add ~ please feel free to leave a comment below or contact me on facebook.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Filtered Water on the GO!

this post contains affiliate links

What's in there anyway?

From the time I was 10-18 years old, I became accustomed to the taste of Southern Pennsylvania's well water.  My adopted father had to have it tested annually proving it was good and we all enjoyed the taste of well...that tasteless clean well water!  

After turning 18, I was more than motivated to move out of the country to the suburbs!  My new town had an AMAZING library (that I miss soooo incredibly much now), a Staples, Chinese restaurants, and a gym, nail & hair salons all within 5 driving minutes, YAY!  I was the happiest 18 year old receptionist EVER!!  But, I had also acquired 'borough water' in this new town.  I put that in notations, because most of the locals would bitterly shutter when the tap water was brought up in conversation.  Everyone in the community received the same monthly newsletter...including the urgent notice of high contaminants in our tap water that was found and their oh so fast action to take care of bleaching it out weeks later.  

Subconsciously, I began avoiding water before I was aware of what was in my city water.  It had a bad taste, and I was constantly having to use Lime Away on my apartment's brand new shower head, faucets, toilet, all because of the calcium buildup.  The (clean) water left pink stains and slime on my white dish drying rack.  To make it worse, that wasn't the only places the calcium built up on, but in my Kidney's!  Within the 6 years I had lived in that town water...I had produced 14 Kidney Stones!!!  This was when I was a very HEALTHY young woman, taking vitamins, going to the gym.  I never drank coffee or Turkey Hill Tea (known high kidney stone local drink).  After my first year I had constant back pain, and abdominal pain - especially after I ate or drank ANYTHING.  When my pain was finally discovered as a confirmed kidney stone, they did an emergency Lithotripsy because of the massive size.  Neither my Urologist nor primary care doctor could figure out why I continued producing the same calcium stones.  All the doctors, and all the ER trips for pain management in-between all had the same words - Kidney Stones are at an All Time High!  But no one knew why...  

Since then, I've been a fanatic of FILTERING my tap water - no matter where I live.  Especially after giving birth to my second child and was told that we both had high levels of lead poisoning, and now my family is in it's 11th year of living with Autism.  We all live and learn.  I've learned to filter our water, it's very important to me to give the best to my family.  (Oh, and since I've left that town, and drink only filtered water, I've been STONE FREE for several years!). 

In our kitchen, I keep a filtered water pitcher place beside our fridge.  

Filters remove chlorine that's added to disinfect the water and so it can taste better.  I've been through several name brand filtering pitchers.  In my best AA group voice ~ 'Hi I'm Tanya, and I'm a clutz.  But I've been clutz free for the past hour!'  Seriously, the cell phone I have now, is indestructible!  Another topic for another day though...

Anyways, with all the activities I have my 3 boys in, we are always on the go.  So, I would take the extra time to fill the water pitcher, then their own little water container.  Repeat the process.  Wait for the filter to refill and work it's magic.  Pour.  Refill.  Pour.  Refill.  Oh, then one for mom!  
I recently went to buy new filter refills.  Then I noticed these Brita singles on the tippy top shelf.  They were covered in dust, but curiosity got to me. Before I knew it I was climbing and reaching and dropping the whole narrow thin cardboard box on my oldest son for these little gems.  After a moment of us laughing about them scattering like bowling pins through the isle, we collected the rest while having our own little laugh.  Of course the store had a sign to ask for assistance for top shelf.  Why don't they just put step stools in each isle?  But in this department, finding assistance is like finding Jesus in Hell!  Not gonna happen!  And this was like that little God Wink to me ~ I knew this would be a great product, and would make my life a little easier.  So, I got 3 for the boys to give it a go.  And it's going GREAT!!!

You can click on the Amazon link below to order a set of 2

These little magic bottles have saved me so much time, and peace of mind.  I'm always looking for ways to go green, and detest buying water bottles to add to our landfills. But what I was the most worried about was with these bottles was how LONG will it take to filter that water?  Especially when in sports they only have a brief moment to grab a drink when they needed it fast.  Kinda like when you watch a pot of water waiting for it to boil, and it suddenly takes forever!  The water supply does deliver great, and it tastes great!  And I love that my kids LOVE water.  

Just cause I'm a cool mom with cool husband that when I said I wanted a small vinyl cutter for crafts, he won me over with 'a bigger is better' wink.  So we got one and put it to use as often as we can.  I was tickled to give each kiddo their own customized bottle.  Usually, quality vinyl will stick to any smooth flat surface.  Theses bottles are not flat and squeezable.  (Dishwasher safe too, but I haven't gone there yet).  Sadly, a couple letters are coming off Kingston's bottle already.  But to be honest, I'm not sure if it's the user, the use, or the contour of the bottle...but the K and I in his name are starting to go at the top already, and it's only been through 9 outings since I put it on.  Maybe a sharpie at the bottom will suffice?  

*Side note* In case you didn't already know, your body absorbs more toxins in the shower than anywhere else since your pores are open!  I know whole house filtration units are VERY pricey, but depending on your quality of water, it may be worth the investment.
For more information on public drinking and ground water and more, I found a site to look to for some answers.  

*I was not paid by any companies mentioned in this post.  My story and review 100% mine and product opinion.

If you have any other water suggestions or resources, please share in comments below.  Thank you  in advance for your participation!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Our Journey to Homeschool

  I did not decide to homeschool my children because they were having problems in school.  Each boy has their own unique scenario.  

  • My eldest was in all AP {advanced placement} classes and received the All Star Student Award 3 years in a row!  
  • My middle son was in Special Education because he has Autism.  His teacher and assistants were so sweet, but with a room full of kids with different challenges, it was hard for him do learn anything beyond coloring or playing with sand art {in 5th grade}.
  • My youngest, is a funny story.  His school had performed an IQ test for him and they found he has strong engineering tendencies.  {Not news to any of us or his family}...He is a child genius!  Of course every parent feels that of their little ones, but it's so nice to have that documentation ;-) Without my knowledge beforehand, he was video taped and an application was submitted to a school for gifted children - and he was accepted with full scholarship!  This school is over 2 hours away.  After a LONG meeting with the guidance counselor and testers, she said I would FAIL MY SON if he was left in public school setting.  For the little boy at 3 that took apart {and put back together} a cable box, Playstation 3, art center and anything else he could get a hold of.  It was time to look into homeschooling.        

  It's not enough for me that my children have good grades, ribbons, certificates - but I want them to grow up being strong men of  faith with a compassionate heart.  There is so much outside influence molding our kids when they're not with us.  My hope for them is to grow up knowing how to help the hurting, love the broken, invest our lives to LOVE and help others.  To be servants of the Lord.   

  Not only is homeschooling a BIG responsibility, but when you are home educating children with special needs - it can be draining.  Our days range from doctor appointments, meltdowns, health issues, scheduled social play time, speech therapy, occupational therapy, sports, etc...we are always on the go!  I praise God for his provision through all of our trials this past year.  One of MY biggest lessons this school year has been not so much what I want my children to learn, but HOW.  I thought I needed the most expensive christian curriculum - Epic Fail!  I saw the main difference only came from my pocket.  Through my blog you will find lots of FREE resources to use for homeschooling, and being frugal.  

  I LOVE STRUCTURE.  To an extent, so do my boys ~ but not as much as I do.  Initially, I kept my kids on the same kind of schedule they were on prior in public school.  Doing the same book work, just at home.  Instead of having a designated school room - school supplies were stored everywhere.  Our kitchen, bedrooms, bathroom, and especially my CAR!  Since then, we've made some

  This is the Bible I use with my boys in the morning before starting our school day.  It's perfect for EASY understanding!  Even my 5th grader loves it.  It's regularly $19.99 but currently on sale for $14.99 through {another one of my favorite online ordering bookstores}.

  Of course we also have a traditional King James version, as well as a NIV adult study Bible for my older son {it used to be mine}.   But husband, oldest son and myself are big fans of the free YouVersion Bible Ap on our cell phones.  

*I was not compensated for this post.  As always, this post contains my honest opinions and experience.   

  Have you ever thought about homeschooling?  Or if you do, what was your reason?  Thanks for sharing!