
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Meeting Author Barbara O'Connor ~ {read The Fantastic Secret Life of Owen Jester}

Ms. O'Connor signed my boys copies, and even one for their cousin Corrina!  <3
The Fantastic Secret Life of Owen Jester

  My boys were so excited to get to read this book, make a craft and meet the talented author Barbara O'Connor!  You can find her books at the Scholastic Book Fairs too :)  She was so sweet to meet in person and did an amazing presentation for the kids, being sure to answer all their questions.  Not only did she give great insigt of herself, she inspired them to be writers by suggesting they take their very own real life scenarios as inspirations for their books!  A HUGE Thank You to Mrs. O'Connor for make the trip to Bentonville, AR and sharing with us your creativity and writing prompts ~ you are such an inspiration!

  The Plot 
Owen Jester wishes his family hadn't moved to his grandfather's house after his dad lost his job.  For one thing, his grandfather's live-in nurse sure knows how to ruin anyone's idea of a good time!  Then there's Viola, the girl next door, who can't ever mind her own business.  She even thinks Owen should put his freshly captured bullfrog back into the pond.  Late one night, Owen hears a curious noise when the train passes by this grandfather's house....leading them to their many adventures!
Age range: 9 - 12 years old (but my early 7 year old hung onto every word while I read out loud!)  

We started our visit with making a craft...a 'Tooly' hat :D
The boys had fun making their frogs eyes go in different directions :D

Gluing on Tooly's smile

My Trio with their competed hats cheesing for mom in front of the decorated welcome sign :)

Ms. Barbara O'Connor posing pretty for us with all the crafts our homeschool group made to welcome her to the library!

Ms. O'Connor giving her inspiring presentation to our Homeschool family group.

She was such a sport, she even post for a picture for one of our Pen-pals flat traveler Scooby from the Unighted Kingdom!  She said she was so inspired my my boys, that she even suggested writing a book about that next :D
Click ---> Barb O'Connor to visit her main page!  

Click on the books below to get more information on other titles!

*This was not a sponsored post.  Does contain affiliate links.

  What good books have you read lately?  Have you ever read one of Barbara O'Connor's?  

Homemade Laundry Soap {recipe!}

Best Value!

  Really, who hasn't seen this one yet on Pinterest and made it or thought about trying it?  I just wish I was one of those lucky gals that grew up making it so I would have had this knowledge sooner.  On my journey to becoming more 'frugal'...this was my very first switch.  I can't wrap my head around the amount of money I've wasted for the past 16 years being a loyal Tide and Downy Girl.  I was VERY reluctant to try this, but eventually I justified making a batch of liquid laundry detergent with my boys as a 'science experiment'.  After gathering all the ingredients, we made our own detergent.  

{it's the soap that does the cleaning of your laundry, NOT the bubbles.  This recipe is safe for HE machines too!}

1 Cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
1 Bar of Fels-Napha (grated)
1 Cup Borax
5 Cups hot tap water
*Optional - 10 drops of your favorite essential oil 

After grating your bar of soap, add to 5 cups of water in a pot.  Stir over medium to low heat until soap dissolves and is thoroughly melted. 

Fill a 5 Gallon bucket half way with hot tap water.  Then add melted soap water, Borax, and Super Washing Soda.  Stir till all is dissolved.  (Add now your favorite essential oil scent).  Fill bucket with 12 more cups of HOT tap water.  Cover and let sit over night.  

The next morning, stir your now thicken mixture of laundry soap.  If you're using mason jars, empty gallon jugs, etc...make sure they are cleaned out first.  Fill half way of your container with the soap you made, and the rest of the way with warm tap water and stir.  And your done! 
Top Load                                   
Use 5/8 cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)
Front Load
Use 1/4 cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)

  It worked great, but I created a new dilemma...gallon jugs sitting all over our laundry room taking up space...{that eventually started to separate, but nothing a good swish couldn't fix!}.  After I had my husband give away several jugs to his fellow co-workers {all of whom are welders and they loved this soap!}, I decided to give the dry powder mix a go using the same dry ingredients.  Now I should also mention, I do have bad asthma - so I had to use a painters mask when mixing it up.  Prior to doing laundry using powder, I have my a process:  I make a kettle of hot water to start myself a cup of hot green tea.  With remaining hot water, I have a glass cup for putting 2 tablespoons of detergent powder in to  assist the soap to dissolve prior to adding it to the next load of laundry. I bought everything at a big box store for less then $10!

  This is an update from my original *very first post that I accidentally deleted* I've yet to buy replacement Borax or super washing baking soda.  Rather, only 2 bars of Fels-Naptha.  $2!.  MIND BLOWN.  I've made 2 more batches in a years time.  I've went back and sticking to making the liquid detg.  Washing our clothes in cold water didn't seem to break down the powder mix enough...and I adapted using a few drops of Essential Oil to the liquid {my favorite is Lemon Eucalyptus!  It smells great and keeps the ticks at bay}.

*This is not a sponsored/compensated post.  

  Have you ever tried making your own laundry detergent?  

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Behavior Chart {free printable!}

Behavior Chart

  Through the years, we have used a multitude of behavior charts.  Different variations, from pompoms, fake money, bingo chips, positive and negative rewards, prize bin, real money...all seemed to work for a few weeks, then my kids were over it.  I love structure, so do my children.  The one common denominator that has been effective with all of them, is having the visual ques for little ones really did aid them to know where they are with clear expectations.  

  I found this awesome chart from a fellow blogger sister at A Shady Lane, and just had to share it with you!  Though my 13 year old may have out grown charts like younger 2 will definitely benefit from it being included to their 'tool box'.  

  I think think it's so cute how she decorated each pin with the child's initial to move around as needed.  I may have to come up with a substitute for Bedroom...sending Vaughn to his room unattended when he is 'in a way' is asking for trouble.  I can't afford to fix, nor replace anymore damage.  He needs the constant supervision still.  Coping skills is still our main focus.  Ughh...

  Hope you enjoy this print out too!  Here's the link to The Shady Lane get yours!  

*This was not a sponsored post, but a wonderful featured one.  Photo Source: The Shady Lane

  Have you found using a behavior chart is helpful?  If you don't use charts, what other method do you use?  I appreciate you sharing your input!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

First Day of Homeschool 2014

Dressed for success ~ pajama style! 

  With all my friends posting pictures of their kids first day back to school...I thought why shouldn't we!?!   This year is going to be magical.  We're going to wake up every morning with a smile and stay on task all day...NOT!  That's the joy of homeschooling.  You get to adjust with an ever changing schedule.  Some nights we doing work till 9 p.m.  My oldest has violin lessons 3 times a week - so the younger 2 have their to-go book bags ready for all appointments/lessons/etc.  And while the others are doing their time with the their speech pathologist, the oldest will be doing his weekly book report.  While all 3 have karate in the evening - mommy gets her writing time in.  :D    

  I have a plan.  A to-do list, and as much ambition as these boys, (most days).  The home school laws for our state are VERY lenient, but I do have OCD and a heart for routine and scheduling.  Each child has their own accountability binder.  Attendance will be recorded, daily and weekly goals set, graded projects collected, and a large folder for art projects. 

  Even though they have required hours to do 'school' work...we always end up going WAYYYYY beyond the requirements.  They only had a few short breaks over summer and since Christmas -we've been going on as many educational field trips as possible.  Before you start feeling sorry for these boys, they do get free time and organized play time with other kids.  Both are equally important with having well rounded behavior.   

  In addition to Math, English, Science, Social Studies...they have more electives than most kids their age.  They finished fencing at the beginning of the summer, now they are doing archery and karate.   We also use the Xbox Kinnect for Gym on too hot/cold/rainy days.  Add to the list Shop Class.  They love their wood-working projects!  Don't forget piano lessons, Latin, typing, library, health, etc... 

  I want my children to have every chance for success in this dog-eat-dog world.  As they learn and develop into young men, my goal for them is to have clarity as to what their heart wants and how to apply their minds and talents to chart that course.  As a stay at home mother and educator, I'm very confident in these boys.  I get the privilege to hone in on them - one at a time, to tailor their education to their needs rather then push them along.  If one isn't grasping a concept or needs more review time, I have that opportunity to put on my tutor 'hat' and keep on keeping on.     

  God created humans with our heads above our hearts, reminding us that we must develop our emotional capacity under the tutelage of the mind to be greater service to God and mankind.  

  Whether you're homeschooling or sending yours truly off - we hope you have a great school year of reading, learning and growth!  


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Attack of Allergy Seasons!

*Non paid for/sponsored post.

Help!  Spring time pollen AND Hay fever allergies are bullying my family and me!

My oldest son has struggled with seasonal allergies for many years.  Then, after we moved to the Ozark Mountains of NW Arkansas  - its hits everyone in my family (including my dog!) HARD!!!  I didn't know dogs could suffer and get hot spots from allergies.

Over the counter meds is a waste of money with no relief.  The steroid nasal spray only helps minimally.  I've been looking for holistic approaches after years of torture.    

We found using an allergy tea helps, with a spoonful of all natural raw honey (*LOCAL collection to your area is best).  So much for summer fun, this year we had to spend most of our time inside in the central air to keep our eyes open.  Now that Hay fever season is here, we are onto our next round.  We've also included Elderberry Juice to our morning regimen.  Just a teaspoon for everyone.  It has amazing antioxidant properties and ironically, other than allergies - our family NEVER gets sick.  Go Elderberry Juice!  

Imagine trying to go to school or work looking like you just got out of the ring with Tyson?  His eyes are blood shot red!

Using a cold wet wash cloth helps with the itching some....

Raw Honey that is closest to my home I could find!
This AllergEase Herb Tea has been added to our mornings and evening routines.

Yes, we even use cucumber wedges on his eyes too :)
Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?  Do you have any other all natural suggestions to add? Thanks for sharing!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Reusable Tampons...Who Knew!?!

  So, after my latest post about reusable pads {saving money on your monthly} - I was astonished by the amount of emails I received from my female followers in a short amount of time asking if there was an alternative (reusable) form of tampons.  Of course, I didn't have to look far from my circle of friends in my community of homesteading/Eco friendly ladies to find a large source of information.  Some are using a sponges & cups (both future posts)...but when looking for an alternative to what their used to in the form of non-toxic tampons...they buy these flannel ones.  So to my flow sisters - this cork's for you!  

Flannel Tampons!

Unraveled, and Rolled 

Carry Pouch 

  I was privileged to interview Ms. Morana Revel from Silkworm Yarn Shop and guess what they make and sell!?!

  This is what she had to say about her story and Use/Care:

When I set out to make reusable menstrual products, I was worried about comfort and allergies.  I am allergic to everything, so I knew it needed to be 100% cotton.

I chose all cotton flannel for the fabric with an all cotton string.  I use all cotton thread with an over-lock stitch to prevent raveling.  They are sized similar to an OB, but may be customized in length and width as well as string length..These can be in either brown flannel or white/cream. 

All materials have been pre-washed in warm water to pre-shrink

Begin rolling at the string end and roll tightly.  They insert lik OB.

Out and About care:
I carry a small Ziploc bag to store them in until I get home.  Easy trick..turn baggie inside out..grab it and slow turn bag right side out to prevent mess and seal.  

Care and wash:
Rinse in cold water.  I soak mine in Oxyclean but that is optional.  Rinse and wash.  I do not stain treat, I find that the Oxiclean works well, but use what you are comfortable with.

Some short fraying is to be expected.  On these, I did not roll the edges to prevent it being too bulky to use. The small frays should not become dislodged inside and can be picked off before using.  

It is best to wash before first use in your own washing supplies.  If you have allergies, you might be allergic to what I have washed these in. 

Thank you,
Etsy Store: Silkworm Yarn Shop

While at Silkworm's Etsy shop - I couldn't resist buying this one for a friend!

I just about fell off my chair laughing when I found "Tampons are Trash" written by Kirsten Anderberg, July 2006 Here is her article link: "Tampons are Trash" where she states:

"In the zine "Let's Forget Everything We Learned About Being A Girl…Bloodsisters of the World…Unite and Take Over!" (which was made as part of the Belladonna DIY Fest '04), they say, "over 12 billion pads and 7 million tampons are used once and disposed of annually, and that 170,000 tampon applicators were collected along the US coastal areas between 1998 and 1999." They also said that in Ca., it is illegal to feed the leaves, stems or short fibers of cotton to livestock due to pesticide residue, but this cotton is instead allowed to be made into tampons, mattresses, cotton balls...Those statistics give us something to think about, don't they?

In recent years, biodegradable cotton menstrual products made by companies like 7th Generation, have emerged on the market, which is definitely a move in the right direction, except they are still one-use products, and due to the price range of such products, most women are still not able to use these products. And most women are still not hip to making their own cloth pads, like their grannies did. Yet women bleed monthly, and the landfills are piled high with non-biodegradable tampons and pads full of blood. There are more conscious ways to deal with our menstrual blood and the environment."

I just loved Kristen's approach to Bloodsisters of the World...Unite and Take Over!
*This was not a sponsored/paid for post.  I share, because I care.
 Photo Source: Silkworm Yarn Shop


I Got Mail!  :D
My Surprise Thank You Gift From Silkworm's Etsy Shop!  After moving this close to Texas, it's only fitting I become a cowboy fan right!?!   Thank You Morana!  :D 

Monday, August 11, 2014

{FREE GIVEAWAY} Saving Money on Your Monthly!

  Stop!  I see you trying to run away from my post!  But you will be oddly compelled to read it.  So before you go running away in least hear me out!  You are permitted to laugh till you cry and share with all your friends like I did about reusable pads, especially if this is your first time hearing about this concept.  ;-)

My 3 starters I made using 100% cotton print tops, terry interior, and fleece backing.  Then added snaps to the wings.  I spent a total of $4.00 on prints which yielded 20 pads in addition to other prints to start my 'stash'.

Reusable Sanitary Pads
  You might be wondering, why in the world would I use such a thing!?!  That was my first reaction, followed by uncontrollable laughter.  But to tell you the truth, this is what really opened my eyes over a year ago to commercialism, and opened my eyes to how I've spent years being a sucker for name brands.  I've always had an issue with being a fact and figures kinda girl.  After laughing and joking with my besties about reusable pads, the thought kept rolling in my head of how much money could I save if I took the little bit of time time to do this.  As much as I laughed like a hyena, when talking to my European friend, again - she laughed at my amusement for being a close minded American.  Her mother taught her to use and make reusable since she started as a young girl.  To her I'm the weird one.  I actually sat down with the calculator and worked it out like this.  I unfortunately got my first visit from Aunty Flow the Sunday before my 12th birthday.  Currently, I'm 35.  I worked it out like this:
  35 yrs.
-12 yrs.
  23 yrs. x 12 bleeding months = 276 month - 27 months (3 9 month pregnancies that I didn't get my period) = 249 months
  I usually spend about $5.00 on Kotex/month, usually more, but I wanted to go with under budgeting base figures.
249 x $5.00 = $1,245 (at minimum what I've paid out this far!)  So, visits from Aunt Flow really add up.

 What else could I buy or invest with an extra grand?  You can imagine how happy I am to have given birth to 3 boys rite now, ha-ha!  Not to mention the piles of pads and pons that I've contributed to filling a landfill.  So sad.  Then I spent months researching how much chemicals are in pads/tampons and all I could do was shake my head.  I took the leap and I've stopped throwing money away on disposables.  Now, I've invested into heaven for my precious lady parts!  The first reusable pad I tried is called a Minky.  Less bulky for a pad, SUPER SILKY SOFT, and it did the job very well.  It was like losing your virginity, (except this time it was a good experience). I was so excited calling all my besties to tell them, "Guess what, my period finally came this morning and this pad feels so good!!!"  I wish I could have given myself this spa like experience from the beginning...but, my 'Susie' is going to be lavished in the life of cloth pads from here out.

Advantages of Cloth menstrual Pads
  • Cloth mentrual pads are less likely to cause rashes, contact dermatitis, as well as helping women afflicted with certain types of vaginitis.  Women with sensitive skin and allergies may prefer cloth pads more of undyed organic cotton.
  • Cloth menstrual pads, like all menstrual pads, remove the risk of TSS associated with tampons.  
Easy To Clean:
When you're out and about - fold up and place in a 'wet bag' just as if you were cloth diapering.  Then treat when you get home.

When home - keep a small bucket of cold water {add your favorite cleaning agent if you would like to} and let soak overnight, or for a couple days depending on when you feel like doing the wash.  Drain the bucket water in toilet, then wash.  They can be machine, or hand wash.  I prefer to hand wash, just for fun.  If you get a stain, {which rarely happens, unless you let them sit for days without cold water treatment} you can use baking soda and an old tooth brush to scrub the spot.
I find it odd when asked by ladies that worry about staining, but're using them to bleed on, rite? 

Yes, this is my Manly Welding Husband, still wearing his weld cap.  Like all projects...he enjoyed jumping in and making some fem pads too.
{Not only did he make one, he engineered my template using AutoCad Program!}.  So, he gained himself some serious extra credit on his man card!  =)
My starter set.  See the bottom left how they fold up into a nice neat square and snap shut when not in use? :)
Pictured above is 2 overnights, 5 regulars and 1 liner.
Other Cloth FAQ's
Why use?  They are better for the environment, easy on the pocket book, and so much more comfortable than paper and plastic pads.  No more sweaty, itchy, rashes, chafing pads.  Instead you can use comfortable, soft cotton, fleece, velour, or other soft cloth pads.  No more adhesive sticking to your skin or hair.  No more running out of pads at the worst possible time.  You'll have a fresh set of comfortable, clean and ready to use cloth menstrual pads at hand with just a simple load of laundry.
Q.  How long do the cloth pads last?  With proper care, as long as your favorite pair of soft jammies!
Q.  What do I do with them when I'm out and about?  Discreetly put them in a 'wet bag' or Ziploc bag.  'Wet bags' can be rinsed out and reused.  Clean pads can be carried with you in your purse, or whatever you would normally carry pads in.
Q.  How often do I change a cloth pad?  As often as you would change a disposable pad.  Every 2-6 hours as needed depending on your flow day.
Q. How comfortable are they?  I would compare cloth pads to soft flannel jammies vs. those awful scratchy paper gowns at the doctor's office that don't fit rite and make you feel uncomfortable the entire time.
Q.  Will cloth pads really save me money?  Using cloth pads will save money and time.  If you have an average flow, the average woman spends about $10-15 a month on disposable products.  You will need from 6-24 reusable menstrual pads in your stash, depending on your flow and how often you do your laundry.  After taking a poll, most women use 8-12 cloth pads during their cycle.  You can make them yourself, or pay out about $120 for a stash.  Average cost of 7 years worth of disposable pads $10-15/month.  Cost of 30 years of cloth pads is your initial $120 (plus more if you want new prints over time)...Cost of 30 years of disposables: $3,600-$5,400

   Treats by Tanya has teamed up with Willow Tree Cloth to give you the opportunity to snag
  2 FREE Pads to add to your collection, or get it started!  The Winner will be mailed a 8" and 10" Pad!  I already placed my first order with Willow Tree Cloth too ~ and can't wait for my order!

A portion of Willow Tree Cloth's Selection 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

And My Custom order from Willow Tree Cloth just came too!  :D 
I just love the guns and 2nd Amendment <3

VoilĂ !  Fold up and snap into a nice little square after use!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

N.W. Arkansas Angel Pageant

God Made Everyone Special!

2:18 a.m.
  I simply can not sleep.  Today I will be taking my 'special needs children' to their very first pageant.  They will not be performing a talent, nor speech.  They will simply be showing up.  They will get their names called, walk up on stage...and a cue card will be read with my thoughts as to what is special about them.  All children are special.  They all have different hurdles then others - and so do their parents.  A certain person close to me was appalled when informed that I was taking them.  This individual was afraid that everyone will know about 'their conditions', and 'they will get labeled in our new town' among some more harsh words.  I'm second guessing a lot rite now, including taking them...

8:20 p.m.  
  Guess What!?!  News flash - It is okay to be different!  I can't even sum up the words for how glad I am for not backing out of this program.  The boys have been floating on air since we got home.  My eyes sting from crying tears of joy for hours.  
  My youngest was stimming from the time we arrived at the pageant.  He was covering his ears asking me to ask for the low playing music to be shut off (he can make all the noise he wants, but heaven forbid someone else make it!)... and there was a lot of separating of the boys and positive/negative reinforcements...but no one gave us nasty glares!  The other families, staff, and volunteers showed us so much love, kindness and affection.  We're not used to that in public.   Everyone made my boys feel like they are special.  A genuine, engaging.  This exercise wasn't just good for them and had them glowing and feeling accepted...but it has helped me as their mother and 'a certain close person' to look for programs in our new state to connect with other Autism Spectrum families.  We've all had a change of hearts!  Even the church that hosted the event, has an outreach ministry for special needs.  I would have never knew that if I allowed for us to stay in our comfort zone - aka hiding place home.  

While waiting...we took some photos -
The boys & table display
  Then from the very beginning, Vaughn made me cry.  As soon as we were on our way back to our seats from the stage where I explained the process several times of what to expect - Vaughn says, "Mom, you should be the one going up on stage to get a sash and crown for taking care of us."  WATERWORKS!  And once I started crying, it was so hard to hold them back the rest of the time.

Me and the boys cheesing =)

In prayer of Thanksgiving for all of the Angels
On the stage:
Vaughn behind the stage waiting for his name to be announced

Vaughn listening to his for the first time what mom wrote that makes him special <3 
escorted by BHS Quarterback Mr. Kasey Ford!

The Lovely Ladies waiting to sash/crown the Special Angels

Vaughn getting his sash by Miss Hanna

Vaughn waiting to be dismissed

Kingston started crying (he thought when he was announced as 'The Family Tinker' and everyone started laughing, that they were laughing at him...I had to explain the misunderstanding for about an hour afterwards...

Kingston getting his sash

Quick recover while inspecting his trophy with escort Mr. Kasey Ford (BHS Quarterback)

Malachi has REALLY come out of his shell in the past year.  This boy was BEAMING on (and off) the stage!  

Behind the stage :}
Miss Lakes of the Northwest ~ Hannah Gibson with Vaughn & Kingston

Miss Lakes of the Northwest ~ Hannah Gibson w/Malachi

Malachi and Miss Rodeo of the Ozarks 2014 Tori Miller - please visit her BLOG HERE

Malachi and Miss Emily Edwards that did the Crowning :)

Malachi was in his glory talking about Batman with the photographer =)

The Coffman Trio getting ready for a brother picture together

3rd Annual NWA Angels 2014

  Each family is different.  I urge you not to hide behind the labels like our family has come to do over the years.  The boys always knew they were different.  Not only did they get to feel special about being different, as an adult - I got to rejoice today with them for the first time.  I had a spiritual celebration that my kids (grocery list of diagnosis included) are who they are.  Each unique in their own way.  They do have strengths.  They are Mr. NWA Angels & my gifts from God.

James 1:17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Thank you to Daphne England for starting this organization and your team of angels.  From the bottom of our hearts.
Their Facebook Page
Please consider being a Sponsor or making a donation by clicking FUND SITE 

Quoted from their home page:


This is NOT your typical pageant, this pageant is for anyone with special needs. Anyone newborn-105, with a special need, is welcome to participate. We want this to be an exciting and super fun experience for these kids.
General Information
Our pageant system believes that EVERY child is a gift from God, regardless of their abilities. We love them and praise God for their life and spirit.

These pageants are not about ability. This is simply a chance for us to come together and celebrate these children's sweet spirits. There is no one winner, all of the contestants are winners! All will receive a crown, t-shirt, sash, and a goodie bag.

We welcome any special needs child that would like to participate, no matter which state you reside in.